Pics of Ashleigh!!!

Newest(Aug. 6, 2003)

Sometime Last July (2002)






Model Pose...
Aug. 6, 03'
Yes, I busted out wit the old as work hat from Panera Bread, couldn't find another one!
Yes, Half the pony tail is weave, I thought it would be fun to try something new for the pics... can you tell?
Told you the braces were horriable!
Hug Me!
Told you the braces were horriable!
Before my newlly installed tounge ring!
Model pose?!?!? Hmm....
Hmm.... I could do it, I could be a model!

I dunno why this pic came out wit me lookin so evil, but I wasn't mad I promise!
Another model Pose... Yea, I could do it!
Looky, looky.... I match!!! Excuse my skinnyness...
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